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Friday, November 4, 2011

It ain't over till it's over, and I don't see no fat lady croonin

Well, folks, are we flooded, or not? Glacial is the word that comes to mind. I thought this was pretty much a thing of the past, but now Tee can't get to work, there's apparently a meter of water at her new job, Kaset Tat Mai is flooded to the expressway, even Wat Nuanjan's gates have been breached. My townhouse is a piece of what now is more an island than a peninsula, as the aquatic creep continues. Did I say we were done here? Apparently not hardly.

In any case I'm still not really affected except for the waiting game. A lot of stuff is on hold until the obese broad squawks. But I am affected, can't help but be. The above picture is from The Nation, in a story which gives the following information:

Close inspection has uncovered that many structures have been built illegally on 26 waterways in eastern Bangkok, leading to estuaries being redirected or blocked altogether - one of the key reasons why it is taking so long to drain the floods, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry said yesterday.

It's true that everywhere there are weird looking structures, of a clearly temporary nature, that have been put up to block the water. Over the past week I've been sort of chuckling as I look at these, but now . . . I wonder. Can a flood actually last two months?

Slow . . . slow . . . water torture! Next: glub glub glub

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