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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Minimal notes

It seems this may be all there is to it. 

Last night's TV news showed water flowing over pavement a few kilometers from my townhouse out on the northeastern edge of town, but by far, most of Bangkok is still dry. The government is saying that we're almost past the crisis now, and that if we can make it past Tuesday it's likely that things will get better from here on out.

Outside the condo, streets are still dry--they've never been anything else. Public transport has never stopped, power and water have never been out. The only inconvenience I've seen, and it's mild, is that market shelves are bare, from hoarding. But I've hoarded enough myself, and have food and water a-plenty for probably a week. 

In other news last night, I had the most horrible nightmare. I dreamt that the U.S. Constitution got physically, and irrevocably, shredded. To little pieces. Torn up in a paper-shredder and burned. Do you think this might have some significance? Are corporations people?

Next: waiting for the aria


  1. The Patriot Act is coming up for renewal.

  2. The People they say: in Boulder No Way!
    Boulder, Colorado has become the second city in the nation after Madison, Wisconsin, to address the Supreme Court Citizens United ruling, allowing corporations unlimited spending on election campaigns.  After a concerted grassroots effort, voters yesterday overwhelmingly supported the idea that only human beings are entitled to First Amendment rights. [

  3. Good on ya, Anonymous and the Boulder folks. Let's be bolder like Boulder.
    And the *Patriot* act. Our government is getting more Orwellian all the time. How patriotic is it to give away our civil rights like that?

  4. The People they say: in Mississippi No Way!
    Voters in Mississippi have overwhelmingly defeated an amendment to establish that a fertilized human egg is a person, despite support for the measure from the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor. If passed, it would have made Mississippi the first state to grant constitutional rights to embryo from the moment of conception. [
    Must we legislate to differentiate between the chicken and the egg?
    PS to John: Seems that Patriot Act has come under review by patriots from Wall Street to the Port of Oakland ... are we having fun yet?
    -- D. Cereza

  5. Aha, now I know who the anony mouse patriot is. And, as usual, agreeamus. Insanos, inquit, fateamor amores. Good for Mississip (not like the Oxford Town days), and let's hope the Patriot Act gets renamed the Traitorous Act and shit-canned as quickly as Bush wasn't.
