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Saturday, November 12, 2011

It can't be all bad

No, it can't be all bad when you get pictures like this coming out of the crisis.  Thaksinodile Dundee here, they took this picture on the Cambodian border as our esteemed felonious former PM was sneaking in to save lives.

 Then, how about this one?:
Ayutthaya is a city of ruins . . . this brings it out. I think the reclining Buddha has never looked so impressive.

The flood is  supposed to come to the Victory Monument today. That's getting pretty close to the commercial center of town. That's where the great jazz & blues club Saxophone resides, where I did my last gig this year in Chai's motown show band. There are also a bezillion great Thai "fast food" (read noodles & rice dishes) shops, and an evening flea market there, it's a great place for people-watching. Dunno if it will really be underwater there, but hope not.

You can't really trust what the "authorities" say. I think most of that is not deliberate misinformation, but just that nobody really can predict this stuff. But what they're saying now is that the last high tidal surge starts today,  and after that we should be just coasting out of this high water stuff . . . though it will take 4-6 weeks for it to go down to pre-flood levels. Actually, not trusting, just thinking, that sounds about right.

For me, life goes on as it has, physically untouched by the flood. Arbeit und Liebe. I saw that phrase on a gravestone in Switzerland many years ago.
Arbeit und Liebe war Sein Leben. Sweet testimony. While maybe my life has been a little light on the Arbeit side, that seems to be correcting itself, and love has been the most important force in my life as long as I can remember. I don't think that particular phrase should be my epitaph, but I do hope that if someone writes one for me, whoever writes it will put something about die Liebe in there. Of course, I also hope that doesn't have to happen for decades yet. But then, one never . . . ah, I already said that twice. But for right now, it's mostly work and love. A good path. 

Let's see what happens after da big surge.

If nothing is different tomorrow, I won't post . . . I want to keep on topic. I could start writing about something besides the floods, but that somehow seems like the wrong thing to do right now. Not that there aren't plenty of things that need writing about, it's just that . . . I wanna wait till this one is over. 

Next . . . after a 2-day gap . . . 

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